The language is an activity specifically human being. To speak is to nominate objects, to form concepts and to articulate them of coherent form To speak is to reveal our thought on the world, as much our subjective world of thoughts, feelings and desires, as the objective, exterior world we. so that let us can speak, is necessary that let us make use of a structuralized language that allows in them to think and to communicate the thought, that is an instrument by means of which let us can establish dialogues with our fellow creatures and attribute sensible to the reality that in the fence. All language is a system of signs. The sign is a thing that is in place of another one, under one determined aspect, therefore it is in the place of the object that it represents. This representation can assume varied aspects, depending on the type of relation that the sign keeps with the represented object.
The Human World is symbolic, therefore the Man is only capable to establish arbitrary symbols, prevailed for social conventions. all language possesss a repertoire, that is, a relation of symbols composes that it. Beyond the repertoire, also the rules of these signs are necessary. When we only know the repertoire of signs, its rules of combination and the rules of use of these signs are that we can say that we dominate a language. The languages created for the Man are many: verbal, mathematical, virtual, artistic, musical, gestual language, politics, etc and all they, through the times, can modify its repertoire of signs and rules of combination, inside of limits established for each one of these languages, in its different realities and cultures. The language is a system of accepted representations for a social group, that makes possible the communication exactly enters integrant of this the group. It is a construction of the reason, that is, an invention of the human being to be able to come close itself to the reality. The language, therefore is product of the reason and alone it can exist where it has rationality.