
In the school we discover new types of perceptions, therefore it is in the exchange of experiences, that we share with excessively, that we join to our learning to these new concepts, that many times in are transmitted of distorted form. Also it is through the perception that we discover the meaning of the feelings that will follow in them during pertaining to school life e> also during not pertaining to school life, such as: friendship, loyalty, tolerance, respect, etc., at last feelings and attitudes that will all guide our character during the process. Therefore the school is the place to develop these perceptions, to adjust them it our world, to solve problems related to these perceptions, because above all, the school forms new citizens for the world! It cannot have more ethical way, more truily democratic of what testifying to the educandos as we think, the reasons why we think of this or that form, our dreams, the dreams why we fight, but, at the same time, giving concrete, irrefutable tests to them, of that we respect its options in opposition to ours. (FREIRE, P. 38, 2001).

4 CONCLUSION It is with the comprometimento of all, that is, parents, pupils, professors, employees, pedagogical team and the society in general, that the problems that they guide the school about the perception could be decided, this is not a problem of the reserved school, and yes problem of all we. Therefore how much better it will be our capacity of perception, better it will be our reached results, as well as the formation of our character.