Of this form, Silvia tied with Mabel, her employee for all service, both said that they were friendly, however, when one talked about the other, in the social circles that they frequented, the used eptetos, let glimpse the displeasure with great difficulty content, it is that to speak bad of an employee and to complain than it does, it is considered natural between the landlords, like also, to say that a landlord, is a thoughtless one and operating, it is a logical reaction of those who tasks in dependency relation develop. Now, to think in forming a guild Silvia, to the association that groups to the retailers, nor to speak, that it is also part of the marginality, to the equal of Mabel, she it demands its rights, but he is not able to resort to the union defends that it and represents So much as the other, use its reasons, they complain and they protest of the system, they feel like part of the society, they are part of the informal economy, its income are integrated to the great volume that move the markets, are like small docks of containment that bring about the constant drain of the resources anticipated by the fiscal policy of the turn governments, the short cuts that have taken provides to them in the mediate thing, but there are without it premeditaded, without they have the intention to cause it, are part of the great mortgage that conditions to them the future. It is that life histories you decipher as them in this article, are aspects of a same social framework, a demonstration of which unmannerliness and under-development, are brother twins, daughters of the improvisation of the governor, who, dictates the norms with a hand, and the flock with the elbow of the indifference to the social reality that it surrounds to them. Hugo W..