The profession still needs to be regulated, that is, it is about plus a being faced challenge. Psychology can play one practical professor, involving the preparation of professionals of the education, or act inside of the proper school. It also fits to the professional to detect possible disturbances in the learning process; to participate of the dynamics of the relations of the educative community in order to favor the process of integration and exchange; to promote orientaes in accordance with metodolgicas the characteristics of the individuals and groups; to carry through process of educational, vocational and occupational orientation, as much in the individual form how much in group.
In accordance with Gonalves (2002, p.42) ‘ ‘ the relations with the knowledge, the entailing with the learning, the significaes contained in the act to learn, are studied for the Psicopedagogia so that it can contribute for the practical analysis and reformularization of educative and for the ressignificao of attitudes subjetivas.’ ‘ The psicopedaggico study it reaches its objectives when, extending the understanding on the characteristics and necessities of learning of determined pupil, it opens space so that the school makes possible resources to take care of to the learning necessities. For this, it must analyze the Politician-Pedagogical Project, over all which its proposals of education and what it is valued as learning. Valley ressalatr of that making psicopedaggico if transforms being able to become a powerful tool in the learning aid. ‘ ‘ It fits to psicopedagogo to perceive eventual disturbances in the process learning, to participate of the dynamics of the educative community, favoring the integration, promoting metodolgicas orientaes in accordance with the characteristics and particularitities of the individuals of the group, carrying through orientation processes.