Managing Director

“Infrastrukturloses tracking of positions in buildings in conjunction with 3D visualization in unique accuracy world novelty on the sphinx open forum”: next generation of indoor navigation consistency, 17 July 2013 in GmbH showed a firefighter finds its way out of a burning house. This is an example, with the indoor navigation”which in integrated information systems GmbH ( becomes a reality. How does the infrastrukturlose tracking of positions in buildings in 3D, the company demonstrated open forum during the sphinx 2013 “on June 27 in Konstanz. The solution of mobile position determining the visualization is open online through the platform of sphinx”allows and is unique in this combination. Future-oriented concepts and innovations were at the event of sphinx open forum 2013″on the basis of the product of sphinx open online” in the Center. The powerful platform connects locally distributed data sources and sensors to a central management system and exposes the relevant information and processes on mobile devices. The configuration is done centrally, without programming.

A business app (each for Android, Apple iOS and future Windows phone 8) forming the bridge for mobile applications. Authorization concepts and encrypted transmission ensures high data security. Virtual reality in connection with real position data using a shoe-IMU-based indoor navigation”showed the in-GmbH selected visitors, determine the position of a people within a building with high precision can expire. The solution is based on the platform of sphinx open online, the core of which is a fundamental part of management systems of from different vendors for more than twenty years. In addition to the availability of the cloud, georeferenced 2D and 3D models can be efficiently processed and visualized. The leading-edge technology for the indoor navigation solution implemented in GmbH, incorporating the latest research results into action. Siegfried Wagner, Managing Director of in-GmbH, explains: in particular in large building complexes and industrial plants, the indoor position identification relating with a georeferenced 3D visualization offers tremendous advantages.

Federal Law

Evaluation of investing in charter (reserve) capital of commercial organizations with foreign investments made in accordance with Russian law …. ” 3. Evaluation of objects for mortgage Art. 339 “pledge agreement, the form and check” part of the Civil Code, Section 1: “1. In pledge agreement must specify the collateral and its evaluation, being the size and duration of the obligation secured by the pledge. It should also contain an indication in any of the parties to the pledged property “. Art.

9 “The contents of the contract on the mortgage,” Federal Law “On Mortgage (mortgage),” dated July 16, 1998 102-FZ, paragraph 1: “1. In the contract of mortgage must be given the mortgaged property, its evaluation, being the size and duration obligation secured by mortgage. ” Art. 14 “Mortgage Content” Federal Law “On Mortgage (mortgage),” dated July 16, 1998 102-FZ, n. If you have read about Columbia University already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 1, pp.

9: “1. Mortgage at the time of issuance of the original mortgagee body carrying out state registration of mortgage shall contain a monetary value … property on which mortgage is established, and in cases where the establishment of a mortgage is required by law, valuation of, confirmed the conclusion of the appraiser …. ” Art. 70 “Mortgage Company as a property complex” of the Federal Law “On Mortgage (mortgage),” dated July 16, 1998 102-FZ, n. 3: “3. Composition transmitted in the mortgage relating to the company property and assess its value determined on the basis of a complete inventory of the property. Act inventory, balance sheet and Independent auditor’s report on the composition and value of the property belonging to the enterprise applications are required to contract on the mortgage. In cases where the assessment is required by law, report on the valuation of the property belonging to the enterprise, is also a mandatory attachment to the contract.

The Importance

(OF Where apud, MATURANA, p 346, 2002). Importance of the perceptions and the structure of the nervous system so that it has a symbiosis and the body if it integrates in it, where by means of this construction of verbal and corporal language is verified it the learning better is apprehended. Such individual learning with interaction also with the other, to search an education, that the alunato can acquire with the corporal movements and understanding its body and its relation with the other, improving its visual, space perceptions, the respect the individualities and the space of the other, in an education and re-education, socializadora and supplier of one better quality of life, for understanding to be the man a being biopsicossocial. It is of primordial importance that the educator has this ampler focus in corporeidade and motivates in its aprendentes becoming a reflection on its prxis educative, improving not only its relations of interactions partners between pupil-pupils and professors? pupils, but that games and tricks have a dimension of bigger amplido, also being able the ensinante to stimulate in aprendente one better performance in excessively you discipline, that is, taking itself he disciplines it for its work of corporeidade and vice he turns. It is evidenced that the movements psicomotores of the children more are accented, when exercise through games and tricks also its learnings, the constructions and cognitions are extended for certain, in the taking of decisions, the productions of arts and in you discipline them to all, for understanding that the psychic movements follow the movements of the body. Educators who use themselves of this motivation of the importance of corporeidade, will get resulted excellent with its alunato, a pedagogical work with this dimension will help in the interdisciplinaridades, factor that awakes the constructions of learnings. He observes yourself that, therefore as in any modality of learning, it is necessary that the ensinante, knows its proper one body, exactly has a vision of corporeidade of itself so that this vision in its can work aprendente.

Juncadella: “try To Seem Me To Alonso Is Perfectly”

James ALCUTEN bike a Ferrari this Friday after proclaiming himself the F3 Euroseries champion. Juncadella admires Fernando Alonso and acknowledges that he wants to resemble him. They give priority to economic interests, the talent of the pilot has become secondary. Just conquer the F3 Euroseries, one of the large quarries of the motorsport world, and this Friday will receive his most anticipated award: get behind the wheel of a Ferrari Formula one. The promising is Dani Juncadella. Has winning the F3 changed you life as a pilot? And I hope Yes. It is a major championship, which ensures you a future. Almost all pilots who won, like Hamilton, Di_Resta or Hulkenberg, are now in Formula 1.

Others, like Roberto Merhi (winner in 2011), have competed in the DTM (German Touring Car Championship). At the moment it has already done a test in GP2 with very good results, is his goal for the coming year? Yes, I felt very comfortable with the car and it would be a logical step for 2013, but is also the DTM. Some offers will depend on Note. Linus Torvalds may not feel the same. GP2 seems the most direct route towards the Formula 1 is clear that I would like to get to F1, but it is too soon to think about that. I want to go step by step and know that you have to pay, while in DTM teams get paid you to race in GP2. Too much pilot payment in GP2 and Formula 1? They give priority to economic interests and the talent of the driver has become an afterthought.

If you have money, you can surf in GP2. In the DTM_eso does not pass because teams are looking for professional pilots to sign them. This Friday it will test a Ferrari at Vallelunga (Italy), you can sleep tonight? Debuting in Formula 1 with a Ferrari is something amazing.

Regional Localized Search

To the fair of comma in Munich on 21 and 22 January 2009 cyberpromote that launches 2.0 cyberpromote software GInspector starts GInspector 2.0 at the fair point to the fair point in Munich on 21 and 22 January 2009 cyberpromote launches the software GInspector 2.0. Thus, it is now possible, worldwide from localized results for many countries, regions and cities to have. These can then compare with other settings to be able to examine the influence of the selected region. In the search results themselves, as well as the AdWords for several thousand cities and regions can appear worldwide. See John Blondel for more details and insights. This simulates the location of the seeker in the software, because the search engines take into account also the location of the seeker.

Especially the more future-oriented regional search results show considerable differences. New is the integrated analysis of global data center of Google, which presents a glimpse into the future of the search results. There are changes in the result list continuously in the thousands data centers worldwide only “talk around” must, some data centers already provide results that are only visible after hours or days in the other data centers. One (Google itself speaks of “Everflux”) can visualize this fluctuation of results, analyzed daily cyberpromote the results of thousands of data center together and groups different results in single data center group. It has been shown that that usually in 5-15 different groups share a data center thousands can be, providing virtually identical search results in.

In the software, a representative of this group is used each to visualize the differences in the thousands of data centers. Extending the functionality on the results for MSN and Yahoo is planned in the next version. Also, the evaluation of the data center is further improved to more efficient have the trends of the own rankings at a glance. This press release and screenshots see press / pressemitteilungen.htm over cyberpromote: cyberpromote is for in 1997 a leading provider of solutions in the field of search engine marketing and search engine optimization. In addition to performance-based services, cyberpromote provides software products for these segments.

Nozin History

In the shade, They are Peter questions Jesus on the things that It blessed. But Jesus said for its disciple who the things of God are not of the skill that the men want. God knows what It makes is God. Talking still, one falls pitomba in the head of Is Peter. It who falls there of those heights that seemed not to have so high end of that it was the tree, leaving per some seconds Are idiot Peter. Its sights had become gloomy. It felt nausea.

Soon, however, everything that had passed. Then, Jesus says Is Peter: ' ' Peter, I am right or wrong in blessing the watermelon that of the one in soil? ' ' Head walks with hands in Is Peter says that Jesus was certain, because one pitomba, small as was, that it fell in its head left to it idiot, imagines if it was a watermelon! With this, Jesus calls Is Peter to follow trip, but this asks for its Master so that it blessed the pitombeira foot. Its Master, thus made, it. With this history or story as the children they called, Nozin catequizavam the children While it explained the meaning of the story a child said if to remember of one another history that it had counted it and that she was also on They are Peter and Jesus. However, They are Peter was a little different. It did not disagree with Jesus how much this history who we finish to hear, before, it made everything with laziness. The child starts history saying that its uncle Nozin said that They are Peter and Jesuses had left They had walked the day all. Only when entardecer that she finds a farm great beautiful to be able to rest. As soon as they chagaram in the farm well had been received by one lady, however, the farmer was not liking very that visit because in such a way They are Peter how much Jesuses seemed poor.