Professional Makeup

Increasingly, in magazines and other media is such a thing pops up as a professional make-up. What is it? Let us examine first what a beauty it is. There are three groups of cosmetics: mass, selective and professional. Mass Care (still call it mass-market), this makeup is designed for daily care. It is sold everywhere, from markets, ending the shelves of shopping centers. Price spread is impressive. Address the serious problems such cosmetics can not do.

Top representatives: Garnier, Nivea, Maybelline, Bourjois, Max Factor, Yves Rocher, etc. Selective cosmetics – products that belong to the elite leading fashion houses or companies that have their own research centers. For sale is a cosmetics specialist departments of cosmetics stores. Price – above average. Besides the big names manufacturer selective cosmetics boasting a wide range of possibilities: the treatment of acne, removing wrinkles, moisturizing and t.d.Populyarnye representatives: Estee Lauder, Clinique, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Guerlain, Nina Ricci, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, etc.

Professional cosmetics – are drugs a more serious level. It can be called a pharmaceutical. It does not masks the problem and eliminates it directly. One of the major requirements for "professionalke" is a high density of active ingredients. The price of such cosmetics, as a rule, higher mass, but less selective. Professional makeup is two kinds: drugs used exclusively in salons, and tools that can be applied in the salon and at home. These are the tools offers a brand Alga Lux. Itself name already suggests that the information provided makeup is directly related to algae. Its distinguishing feature is that the majority of cosmetics made of 100% of substances of brown algae Laminaria and Fucus, such as sodium alginate, mannitol, copper derivatives of chlorophyll extract, Fucus and Laminaria, etc. Even the sea salt presented here has nothing to do with water evaporated from sea salt. It is produced directly from the brown seaweed and is not transparent, and the characteristic grayish-beige color, that due to the high content of various minerals, salts of magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, etc. You may need time to "understand" professional cosmetics Alga Lux, but believe me, knowing her better, you'll stay with her for many years!

Relativity And Tony Melendez

Many times in our life we have drowned in a simple glass of water to become deceptively this scenario more terrifying oceanic storms? and how many times we have noticed to the dessert that vivid alleged difficulties had not been so much?. The perception of reality determines in large mode its proper management. Both really appreciate more difficulties than are like otherwise, tends to be a bad starting point in the processes of personal performance. Live prisoners from a mental provincialism that wants to reduce everything that happens to a handful of rules well known and traditionally applied by the community of which we are part. We pursue the infinite comfort and as we are winning in life, any attack seems to her the greatest earthquakes in our cattle haven of deceptive placidity. We are looking for the absolute (our truth), when walking toward regard (truths) is the practical.

We always use the same glasses, when we should get used to put us frequently the of others. Life is necessarily as a mountain road, which alternates a few stretches of rise with each other down. Insist on that slope is always descending is both how to search the bottom of hell with treachery. Undoubtedly, there must be moments of effort so that you then have them rest. The contrast is part of the essence of our lives, so it relativize both is the best recipe for understanding the existential cyclic system. Who this has well understood this is Tony Melendez, whose brilliant exercise of relativity has made it possible to tackle steep slopes that his life has been reserved for him and that he has translated into one of the biggest lessons of survival in an environment of real perfect storm, no doubt original very distant from our so exaggerated and frightening downpours spring everyday greetings of Antonio j. Alonso author and source of the article

Internet PowerPoint

For example, after seeing a film adaptation of an adventure, will be asked to discuss, seek materials and deliver a work by groups in forums or chats. We take the views of teachers as a critical component within this learning with ICT experience, those views are essential for successful learning of students classroom media users. A media as our classroom offers students the opportunity of involve exploring the real world with responsibility. The use of appropriate technologies can help more efficiently, effective and creative, as well as exchanging, by reviewing and commenting on the work of other colleagues in email formats, and supplying a quick feedback to have available the Forum or Chat as in Redescolar or Messenger. They can work more efficiently creating, saving and reviewing video, audio, images, sites or Web pages interactive, using word processors and uploading their creations to softonic, facebook, google, blogger or myspace sites. Our students can gather first hand of Internet data and create multimedia presentations for submission to the real world. Through more creative activities for formative purposes, competencies can be promoted using technology that pushes users to watch, simulate and build products with applications in the world, allowing the teaching of subject to create a real environment to test and evaluate their competencies. We as teachers use ICT because at our age, it allows us to enter the world of our students, because they are fans of digital technology and the use of computers. Blogs related How to convert PowerPoint Presentation to Video clips PT Cruiser Say Goodbye to PowerPoint Passwords with LockLizard PowerPoint Notes On Luke 15: 1 – 3, 11-32 for the 4th Sunday in Lent Buho Boo and their educational games the EMOTIONS are a State AFFECTIVE of the human being ‘ this is Get Seamless PowerPoint Recovery Data Recovery Blog informatico innovative Kids Software educational Tvindalert an investigation into human, Planet Aid, US’again Ferrying Across the Sea of Cortez Between Mazatlan and La Paz in PPT2Video Free: convert Powerpoint presentations to video .


The comparison enters the Theories of Learning of Piaget and Vygostky if of the one of the following form: 1. With regard to the paper of the internal and external factors in the development. Piaget believes that only it would start to have human development when it had biological maturity in the being. According to Piaget, the internal factors preponder on the external factors. Vygostky claimed that the human development depends on the social environment where the being coexists. If the environment where the being coexists to vary, its development also will vary 2. How much to the paper of the learning and Piaget development it claims that the same one if subordinates to the development, that is, the learning is function of the development.

The more developed, more the man learns. Vygostky says that learning and development if influence reciprocal. It has a narrow cycle between these two factors. 3. Relation between language and thought.

As Piaget the thought appears before the language. The language would be only one of the expression of the thought. The thought does not depend on the language. ' ' The formation of the thought it depends, basically, of the coordination of the projects sensorimotores and not of linguagem' '. For Vygostky the language and thought are interdependent. They appear together if complementing. 4. The paper of the language in the development. For Piaget the language depends on the mental development. The language occurs with the development of the cognitivo thought, that is, with the development of the mental processes. Vygostky claims that as the language and the thought appears together, the language helps to develop the mental processes. Causing developed thoughts more. The language develops the mental processes. Below comparative table between theory of Piaget and Vygostky: THEORIES OF THE LEARNING COMPARATIVE PICTURE 1. Paper of the internal and external factors in development 2. Paper of learning 3. Relation between language and thought 4. Paper of the language in the Piaget development versus Vygostky 1) Piaget: The development of the human being depends on its biological maturation. Vygostky: The development of the human being depends on the social environment where it lives. 2) Piaget: The learning subordinates it desenvovimento. Vygostky: Learning and development if influence reciprocal. 3) Piaget: The thought appears before the language. Vygostky: The thought and the language are interdependent processes. 4) Piaget: The language alone occurs later that the child reached one definitive level of mental abilities, that is, the evolution of the cognitivo thought causes the language. Vygostky: The language modifies the superior mental functions of the child: it of the definite form to the cognitivo thought, that is, helps intelligence.

Importance Of National Travel

The national freight demand came not only as a trading or commercial sector as such, but also boosted by the various cultural events that took place in the territories of a country. Typical products, foods, ways of seeing life and other such factors contributed to that in the same space could mobilize different products began to give visibility to a particular region for that reason. According to this starting point, and as developments in transport became more evident, it is logical that one could speak of an expansion of the domestic market as a consequence of what is stated above. How many times has shown the momentum of the economic compared to the respective attempts to establish a neutral and general trade of local products, and that many companies have established priority within their policies and adaptation consumption of different forms of national links with a single objective: to be able to strengthen ties brotherhood among the regions. But more than the prayers of those who have managed to become an important method of working around the national distribution of goods, it is logical that it should not be assumed as secondary methods and routes used to carry out this frantic activity. For example, either by plane, the national transport of goods acquires special significance due to the way in which it is performed, and multi-delivery can occur in this regard.

Also joins the exclusive property itself that ultimately determine what has been established as a great advantage and popularity of air travel. In itself, land transport also achieved its goal of bringing more power to regions in a much more traditional, and managed to increase its popularity, especially due to the delivery of small packages dispatched by independent or small companies. By boat, it is not really much that can be stress level and domestic supplies, although they can consider the many commercial barter managed to take the lead through the use of the first inland ports. This in itself has a root that is made from the ancestral, and that puts the national transport of goods in an interesting grain trade.

Overall Goal

If the goal is quite large, needed a way to break it into pieces, because your brain refuses to believe that this is for you to reach. For example, you define a goal and set the duration of its achievement of 5 years. Then you break these 5 years parts on the 1 st year, and define objectives for each year. Then take the first year and divide it into 12 pieces and define objectives for each months. In addition, each month, divide into four parts and define goals for each week. And finally, take the 6 days of each week and determine the daily goal. Thus, your great aim will be divided into small steps.

Your mind can easily take it as something quite real. When I first ordered their goals, dissolving them into small pieces, then I suddenly everything is clear, and before that everything was seen as a vague, vague. I do not even expected, how much easier to operate, with all painted on paper. You do not need to think about how you will achieve this great goal. Just doing these small steps, step by step, you will certainly get close to it. It is very important to all written on paper.

Only the most successful people write down their goals on paper and re-read them regularly. Such people only 3%! If you do this, then one will put themselves in these elite strata of the most successful people. Record everything in detail and do not forget to always specify the date. When writing goals, you need to write as if all this is a fait accompli. Write everything in the affirmative, this time starting with the pronoun “I”. The record should not be no negations and negative particles, all of the positive. These records include your supersoznanie and unconsciously, you will begin to attract into your life people and events that will help you achieve your goal. In Overall, more imagination and detail, this will help your mind to take this information as true. Action plan. Well, the ground has already been done! You have identified your goals, determine the timing and everything is written. The important thing now is not forget to plan their actions. Such a plan you need to be able to monitor their progress toward goals. You should be clearly spelled out what you’re doing in the first place, that then, and that after. When you produce such a plan, divided into small segments of time, you will see that the path to the big goal begins with a very little effort. Usually it is a paltry sum needed revenue, which the consciousness of any person with ease perceives as real. Having a detailed plan, tied to your goals, you will clearly see the path to the target. Plan is very important! Failure to plan – a plan fails! You can just plan your success. In conclusion I wish to draw your attention to a very important point. Many people set goals, write them down on paper, make plans, but take no action. If you’re lying on the sofa do nothing, you never anywhere accomplish nothing. The sooner you begin to act, the more chances you have of success. Get your act right now and does not even think about the possibility of failure.

Current Educational System

A current major concern of governments and educational institutions, in close relation to the society itself is related to education and its results translated the performance of students in various educational degrees. The immediate meaning of the disapproval is not to adopt a particular grade level. Rejection occurs in qualifying, then, is a numerical representation in which it appears the actual achievement of the competencies attained by a student. Accreditation does not necessarily mean failing to learn and is not always equal to not learn. In high school grades have different meanings for teachers and students. For teachers it means the possibility of maintaining discipline and control group, although it is also through these that force students to comply with classroom activities or tasks.

For students qualifying represents the possibility of staying in school and apply resources to do that balance their interests and demands of school. However, although disapproval does not report directly on the processes and learning products, warns the possible problems that should be studied more carefully. Regarding this aspect we must consider that the age of secondary school pupils between 12 and 15 years. This time period corresponds to a part that we call adolescence and for this you need to see a little is said about the concept of adolescence and it is imperative to take a position to move forward, first, our position will be to conceive of adolescent as a person who is in a period of change at the physical, emotional, emotional, sexual, requiring support and psychological and social resources to achieve certain goals such as developing their identity and the planning and development of a successful life plan.

Test Preparation

Validity indicates the extent to which test their purpose. Validity can be inferred only by comparing test results with some criterion, with some evaluation located outside it, which is usually called an "external criterion". Viewing the relationship between validity and reliability. Test with low reliability may not have high validity. So important is the choice of external criterion. Kriteriydolzhen be: a) reliable (in the same sense of the term, as well as for the test), and b) "clean", ie in the estimates of the tests we should talk only about the sign, which is detected in the test, such as static coordination of movements, not in the development of motor function in general, and c) complete, ie, An external evaluation should include a proper full circle all that knowledge, which is detected by the test.

Consequently, when Test preparation is necessary to show the maximum attention to the subject being studied and best reflect the content of the tests. Tests have not occupied a prominent place in defectology studies, Specifically, in logoritmicheskom study of persons with speech pathology, and it would be premature to somehow limit the scope of their application. In our view the tests helpful in the study will be building the motor, mental functions, in particular, attention, personality characteristics, as well as to ascertain the effectiveness of different methods. For example, a plan to determine the effectiveness of different methods may be as follows: take two groups of persons with one or the same speech violation – one control and one – experimental. Both groups performed the tests, clarifying the status of their motor areas. Then one group is using the new method, and with another group of classes are usually carried out. After correction of the course will once again be a test and the results of both groups are compared. Processing of the materials will allow the group to compare quantitatively and find out what specific sections of the methodology there are marked differences between the groups.

You can use the tests and solutions for the relatively limited logoritmicheskih tasks, such as clarifying the state of the overall motor skills, motor skills, or any hands and fingers, or facial movements. Finally, the tests can be used to analyze the individual characteristics of the motor learning and speech material. For example, some individuals with speech pathology revealed a gap acquisition of motor skills or skills that are generated from a correctional goal. It is useful to test. Analyzing the performance of the tested individual jobs, speech therapist and logoritmist determine possible causes undigested. As a result, a plan is individual work, which is based on the real situation prevailing in each case. Quantitative account by means of tests allows the researcher to compare motor capacity of persons suffering from various speech disorders, to identify possible links between common disorders and speech motor skills, to determine the residual motor pool, to identify ways logoritmicheskoy correction. Application of statistical methods for handling quantitative data increases the objectivity of research results. Mathematical and statistical methods are based primarily on the rankings of the facts, ie, location in order to increase (or decrease) of any property, determine their relative importance. For example, static or dynamic assessment of motor coordination, ability to ritmizirovaniyu, state of auditory attention.


It has much difference enters the located ones in a central quarter and of the periphery of one same city. when we analyze the situation of the agricultural schools, aboriginal and in areas quilombolas, the irrigation ditch is still bigger; we know that this will be able until hindering that the country fulfills the six goals waked up in the World-wide Frum of Dakar, in 2000. These goals if seem the five objectives defined for the movement ' ' All For the Educao' ' , an initiative of the Brazilian civil society hugged by the Ministry of the Education in 2006, whose goals they aim at the year of 2022, the bicentennial of our independence. Of general form, 164 governments and organizations associates in the whole world if compromise to extend and to improve the Education in first infancy, beyond guaranteeing that all child has access to gratuitous primary education and of quality; that young adult is educated; that these last ones have the level of alfabetizao alavancado in 50%; that the disparidades between sex are suppressed in the schools and that, finally, the quality of the Education improves in this stated period. In relation to the universalizao of Basic Ensino, Argentina, Cuba, Equator, Mexico, Panama and Peru already they had reached the goal fully. Brazil has high probability to obtain this up to 2015, to the side of Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Venezuela. No longer moving to the alfabetizao of adults, the picture is more dramatical and is in the category of that they run the risk not to reach the goal.

So far only Argentina and Cuba had obtained such success. The same type of threat appears in the question equality of sex in Educations Basic and Average. Only Bolivia, Chile, Equator, Paraguay and Peru have boys and girls in conditions of parity in the schools. Therefore Brazil occupies, of general form the intermediate category of the countries that come fulfilling the agreements. the challenge that still has is to reach the parity between the sexos and to fight the illiteracy of adults to enter in 2015 with ' ' lesson feita' ' ; although let us know that the illiteracy of adults is the biggest social debt, in any point of the planet. They is esteem that the world will need 18 million new professors up to 2015 stops to universalizar Basic Ensino, and the challenge of all the countries is to know ' ' as atrair' ' these people for a career that still she needs to have a plan of clear-cut work and promotions, as she occurs in the too much areas.

The professor who is if forming today, needs to have certainty, of that to the contracted being, he will be charged; but that also he will be recognized for what makes. This last aspect corresponds to one of the biggest claims of the masters heard in the elaboration of a recent report of UNESCO. The professor of the future will not be able more being that one, that only receives determination from the coordination and/or the direction of the school, but will have that to be that one, that also participates of the taking of decisions making the difference in the half cultural partner where it is inserted. After all, when the studies and the research indicate that the Education goes badly, nobody have doubt, the reply are always the same one: ' ' The guilt is always of the Professor! ' ' It will be that he is same? (Teixeira M. the R)

Reality Check

A few days ago I received this story by email and know the author, the fact is that I have been a perfect fit to address a recurring theme in today’s organizations, says: They, who was looking for a beautiful princess consort. Aristocrats, knights, and wealthy gentlemen had come from everywhere to offer their wonderful regalos.Joyas, land, armies and thrones made up of gifts to win so special criatura.Entre candidates was a young commoner who had no more wealth than love and perseverance. When it came time to talk, he said: – Princess, I’ve loved all my life. As I am a poor man and I have no treasures to give, I offer you my sacrifice as proof of my amor.Estare one hundred days sitting under your window, no more food than rain and no more clothes that you are wearing. a sa is my dowry …

The princess was moved by such a gesture of love, decided to accept. You’ll have your chance: If you pass the test, I say goodbye. Thus passed the hours and days. The suitor was seated, enduring the winds, snow, and freezing nights. Without blinking, his eyes fixed on the balcony of his beloved, brave vassal remained firm in their commitment, without wavering for a moment.

From time to time the real window shade belied the tall figure of the princess, which, with a noble gesture and a smile, he approved the job. Everything was going wonderfully well. Even some optimists had begun to plan the festivities. When the day and ninety-nine residents of the area had come to encourage the next monarch. All was joy and merriment, until suddenly, when there was a time for the deadline, to the astonishment of the audience and the bewilderment of the princess, the young man stood up and without explanation, he walked away slowly from the place. A few weeks later, while wandering through a lonely road, a child of the region reached him and asked him point blank: – yQue was what happened to you? You were one step away from achieving the goal. And why missed that opportunity? And why you withdrew? With deep consternation and unconcealed tears, replied quietly: I saved even one day of suffering … Not even an hour … Not even a second … So not worth my effort and my love. Pushing hard for others to get what we want seems to be the ideal way may be better to consider a tug of the rope … So what is pulling Press both the rope?