Bobbi Brown

Last Friday, as almost every Friday, I went out to dinner with my partner. The idea was to discover a new restaurant quite modern and informal. As everytime I go to a casual restaurant, I got a look that never fails me: jeans, top, jacket in leather and heels. For makeup, I of course also decided by the King of the night look: Classic hairdressing in black makeup. But when it was make-up and ready to leave, decided to give it a different touch to my make-up.In the bulletin today I tell you how to do it but how many forms can disguise with the technique of smoking? Of many! If you are one of my students from the Supercurso of self, you already know that eye makeup is not only one of which most you can vary, but also makeup that will literally change your face. These are the steps to give that different from your eye smoked once touch are totally make-up (base, concealer and powder), continue makeup eye. For me the easiest way to a smoky eye is follow these steps: use a black pencil creamy and soft. The MAC I like because it is very easy to smudge.

Apply the pencil at the birth of both upper and lower lashes with a thick line (no matter if you twist because then we are going to blend with a brush). Upload of intensity with the pencil again and fades. It is not necessary, especially at the bottom, creating a too-thick line. When you’re blurring, mark the area of the bone with the same shading, without busting. It is best that the shading just in bone and not too above, or will you do your little ones eyes.

Now apply a matte black shadow with a medium on the eyelid brush so that the result is even more intense. Once you’re done, apply an illuminator corrector (Touche eclat YSL is perfect for this) just below the eyebrow and the tear to use instead of shadow. If you’ve messed up the Eyecup, you can apply, after cleaning the area, this concealer also. Smudge with a clean brush and thickness, you will see the area remains illuminated and with that freshness that only cream texture can bring. It then applies double layer of mascara. Now is the time to make up inside your eye with black pencil. Try to also make up the interior of the eye at the top. Yes, I know that another option is difficult is to mark well the bottom and flashing to permeate the upper eyelid. I prefer to apply the pen after the mask. To finish and give a different touch, as I did last Friday, using a medium brush to apply a drop shadow on top of the black shadow in an intense color. I chose a dark blue Bobbi Brown who gave me the right touch of color, but without changing the effect of smoked. Apply it right in the birth of the lashes and slightly on the eyelid. You can use a Fuchsia hue, bright green, turquoise-blue or even a golden or silver. You’ll see as you transform your eye smoked in a minute. As the eye makeup is rather striking in the cheekbone I applied a tanning powder matte to give without much color and lip contour a transparent sheen. Original author and source of the article.


(COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.16). Great theoreticians of the cinema? amongst them the name of Sigfried Kracauer? they follow this line, that measures the cinema according to imagtico criterion. ' ' For they (the theoreticians), to speak on the cinematographic language in its pure state would be to deal with imagem' ' (ALTMAN, 1985, p.52). As it was said, this would be in an attempt of dissociar the cinema of the theater, since the first experiences of the said cinema were very related when making teatral. The disdain of many to the presence of the sound in the cinema was followed from there. But, as it indicates Coast: ' ' He is almost unnecessary to say that a battle against the wrong target was that one. To be fought villain would not have to be the sound in the films, and yes the teatral use of the voice, that due to its onipresena in the first said films North American was taken not as one of the constituent elements of the substance sonorous of the films, but confused with the totality of this matria' ' (COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.16) it is not only the fight against the teatralidade that explains the priority of image on the sound.

As it indicates Coast, Marshall McLuhan already said on the superiority of the vision in the comunicacionais processes of the society occidental person, in its relation dialectic with another one of the directions, the hearing. What it says is that, in an initial period of training of the civilization, the hearing was the main one of the directions therefore for it was made possible the communication between the people. With the sprouting of the phonetic alphabet, the priority of the verbal communication if saw wounded, favoring the symbol visual. McLuhan says that with the advent of the written alphabet, &#039 occurs inevitable; ' reduction of the paper of the directions of the sound, the tato, the palate in any culture letrada' ' (in COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.4).

The Train

The same word God is a symbol. Sooner or later someone has to teach us what is meant by God, what is the meaning of that term. In addition to the above, put emphasis on that the chance at life that is has bequeathed us, we are constantly interrelacionandonos with signs and signals, we can make use of them to make decisions, identify us with Tarif forming not conocimaos in this step for this dimension, facts that generated us lots of information about your personality, thinking, ideologies, beliefs. Must not be neglected, that every day in our live, we must be alert, awake, in such a way that for aclrararnos, questions, events, based on our beliefs, be awake, attentive, we ask collaboration of signs and signals for us testify what we really should do and is not of no surprise that they are manifest and collaborate with the corrcta decision. The bad thing is that we never ask for this type of help to our I top that through signs and signals within the spiritual dimension is manifested, you so that to be awake, attentive, we read the signal and act appropriately. We suggest not to neglect what the journal live manifest in signs and signals that collaborate with our growth and be assertive in decisions that should be taken into account and we favor. On one occasion, among many that I have experienced, travelling from Brindisi to Rome (Italy) to train and before an indecision, a concern which required assertive response, I concentrate in such a way that I asked that take it correctly a signal, originated for example: an emergency without gravity stop, a backlog that exploited me if that happen, not to do iteverything otherwise, if this would not happen effectively before arriving in Rome, the train had to make one not provided, that told me that the decision of It should do it and I did not, having interpreted the signal helped me a lot. In life we must this attentive to the signs, symbols, signs and be identified with what it represents and shape how we handle it, we can help us much in our growth. Original author and source of the article.

House Exchange

Years ago, other countries began to use this form of travel. In Spain, is teniengo boom in recent times. When the Pocket is empty or don’t want to spend money, an excellent way to travel at low cost is through exchange of houses. You can exchange your principal residence or do so with a second residence. It is much customary exchange second homes between owners who have not been able to rent those houses either have had any cancellation of booking.

Before you run the House empty and wasted exchanged their homes and thus manage to go on holiday with accommodation at cost 0. Other people, Exchange your House. some opt to allocate a habitaciond the House to save their personal things. The trust should reign over all things. However the feelings are mutual so who go your home care as they want that your cuides yours.

People normally get in touch through exchanges of holiday websites. They publish their ads. Looking for accommodations that adhere to what they are looking for and contact through mail or telephone or both things. The more talk you more intuiras is like that person. Most times, the ad, already speaks of them, ages, professions, tastes and concerns discussed in internet find websites that try to Exchange, most of them are extra but there are also free. In Spain,. There same can take a look also to rental deals if you just not definitely be convinced. Anyway I suggest you try it. You can consult als ratings that other members made on that House so you will still have more confidence. Sometimes cars are also exchanged. It is a form of travel that you perfectly intact as one citizen. Other times you dictate of watering the plants, pets cudiar… Let’s say that you put in the life of someone else somewhere else and maybe another culture different from yours. And that, has its charms, truth? You can get many knowledge proving this experience. Original author and source Article