Imagine the Future

Today it is possible to speak of a turning point in the field of clairvoyance and revelation, because it is placed within reach of the concept by million say that is the electronic translation of a practice for thousands of years that captured the attention of millions of people attracted to possess a greater knowledge about the future. Several examples Love life may be or become complicated and cumbersome, since we all understand that coexistence every day is full of subtleties and problems. The complications of life becoming increasingly harder to maintain a loving relationship with balance.l in the business world, dirty competition increases, in every area. And the development of mega companies has caused that small merchants and traders who have managed to survive, strive their survival. Some people have won enemies during his lifetime.

Who can harbor hatreds and to devise debauchery against you, bothering him and turning his life more complicated than you imagine. The separation from families is increasing due to the loss of the education in the home and the negative influence of the electronic media in the lives of children. How find out more about their lives and what specifically will hurt its future? This reveals to all parents. It is increasingly hard to be healthy and keep it in a good health, due to bad diet to which we are accustomed, and contamination of the environment that permeates the majority of products and foods that we consume. How can we know our future and receive assistance to Dodge everything that so bedevils us and us can damage? All these doubts and uncertainties may be found easily thanks to the; allowing this new medium inquire from the privacy of your home using your computer.

United States Fund

Sarmiento criticizes the 1853 Constitution because it says that it is a bad copy of the United States Constitution. Alberdi said and the difference between the United States Constitution and the Argentina, named the preamble, which establishes that penalizes those who are representatives of the people and at the end says for us and for our posterity, and Argentina Constitution says…For us, our posterity and to all the people that want to inhabit the Argentine soil. In the Constitution of United States Fund codes are common to all provinces. In 1859, and after the battle of Pavon, Buenos Aires and the Confederation is reunificarian and for this purpose was the reform of 1860. On November 8, 1852 a constituent General Congress is formed, members were 12 provinces and had 24 representatives, missing San Juan, who arrived later and representatives of Buenos Aires that were not submitted. Fair Jose de Urquiza decides that the 20 of November to begin the session with the absence of Buenos Aires.

Creates an editor of the Constitution Commission and meets in April of 1853, which established consecrate form Representativa, Republican and Federal. First part: declarations, rights and guarantees (were required to put into operation the representative and federal way), the constituents thought that foreigners would give technological elements. They give the freedom of conscience and worship, basic human dignity, and a way to attract foreigners, equality before the law, the abolition of slavery, due process of law, inviolability of home, property, correspondence and private papers, abolition of death for political reasons, free navigation of the rivers, ban the people govern directly (Art. 22). Second part: organizes the powers in a tripartite manner, Executive power: (unipersonal, only one person), the Vice President is the President of the Chamber of Senators and defines the voting in case of a tie, it’s substitute natural for the President to leave no acephaly.

Winston Churchill

The gold standard was with great cacophony in August 1914, when the first world war broke out. Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia suspended the redemption of banknotes into gold and embargoes on the export of gold. Countries froze its currency’s value through the fixation (or parity), which I will explain later. Hyperinflation was rampant after the war, especially in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Russia. At the end of 1923, the index of prices to the producer in Germany was more than 1 trillion times greater than before the first world war. Exchange rates fluctuated greatly in the 1920s, when parity with fixed exchange rates ended with the war.

A serious problem arose. Central banks realized that only could boost exports arbitrarily through the devaluation of its currency to trade their cheaper products. No matter them the damage they did to the well-being of the middle class or to trade long term with other countries. The global political economies tried to bring back the pattern gold as a solution to these depreciations predators. It was then when the United States replaced Britain as the dominant power in the financial world. And our Government gave him the impetus to restore the gold standard. The military-industrial complex of the United States was not played in the first World War (and the second).

This meant that its economy was more stable and had less inflation. The United States returned to the pattern gold in 1919. The young Winston Churchill became Chancellor of the Exchequer the title held by the Minister of the British Cabinet which is responsible for all economic and financial affairs. This became the most famous head of Parliament. In that role, Churchill played a key role in the restoration of the gold standard in 1925.

Visualization And Concentration

All envision, although we are not aware of this. Mental images jump consciousness during most of the day. If we are at work, we imagine that we are on vacation; If we’re on vacation, we envision how it will return to the Office. Viewing, though it may be a term of fashion, is actually one activity everyday that we all do, to greater or lesser extent, almost always unconsciously and without direction. It has been suggested in several studies that the attention of the average person during the day is less than 5 seconds for each theme that is presented in your mind.

Get the test. Look at your thoughts. When you realize, you will see that you are jumping from one idea to another without much consistency, without stopping you in each one, and how the mind works with images, you are technically visualizing different scenes every 5 seconds. The new currents of thought, from New Age to quantum physics suggests that reality is created from thought. Surely you’ve seen the tapes the Secret and What the Bleep?. If our mind jumps from thought in picture in picture thinking every five seconds, what reality do you think that you are creating? Is it a reality of serenity, peace and stability, or a chaotic changes reality, low stability and low achievement of goals? It is very important that your practice of viewing logres discipline of concentration.

Regular meditation teaches us to keep attention on an object or event, such as breathing or a body part, as in the Vipassana tradition; or in chants and mantras designed to concentrate, in the Tibetan tradition. Normally requested in meditation that you observe and Miss all your thoughts. Display focused on some specific result changes in behaviour, achievement of goals, reach your goals to focus point is precisely that: the image that you want to achieve, without letting other thoughts to distract you. To run your visualization, mind You must match your unconscious, which has no control over what he thinks. It is important that the dozens of images that come to your mind when you visualize, and redirijas towards the goal image filters. It is your task to concentrate on viewing throughout the day, taking at least five minutes to focus on one thing, theme or image, at least one couple of times a day. The domain of the mind is not a simple task, but can be achieved, and visualization is a great help to achieve focus the mind. So, choose a theme to start working, for example, visualize you happy, plen @, hits @, for five minutes in the mornings and evenings, you focus only on that, let the thoughts pass and returns your concentration to your target image. Quickly develop the ability to concentrate on a single idea, and that not only will attract the goals that you to visualize, but it will give rest to my mind, that without these exercises, is like a horse out of control.

African Grey Parrot

The grays are, without any doubt, one of the most sought-after species of parrots as pets. His talent for imitation of all kinds of sounds, as well as his prodigious intelligence and character, make an ideal pet in any home this African parrot. Increasingly people who choose by African Grey attracted, obviously, for the bounties of this sympathetic friend. However, it should be very present some particular characteristics of the species, before we decide to share the life with a Psittacus Erithacus. The gray parrot is the only species in the genus Psittacus, in psittacine birds.

In turn, is divided into three subspecies: Psittacus Erithacus Erithacus is nominal. He is popularly to these parrots as grays or red-tailed African grey parrots. They are the best known and most popular subspecies. In addition, they are members of the species more robust from the physical point of view and the more colorful plumage. Its natural habitat is located in Central Africa, in countries as Ivory Coast, Kenya, Tanzania and Congo. They live in large flocks and therefore possess a distinctly gregarious. They measure around 33/35 cm and its penso round 400/500 grs. In English they are called grey parrots, african grey parrots or congo grey parrots.

In French, perroquet grey du Gabon or Jaco. Psittacus Erithacus Timneh is a subspecies of gray less sought-after than the previous. It is slightly smaller than their brothers Red-tailed animals. They live over West Africa, from Guinea or Liberia to Ivory Coast. Specimens timneh is known as parrots tail vinegar, because of the color of their tail feathers, much darker than the older siblings. From the physical point of view, the vinegar are less corpulent and less graceful in matter of plumage or peak. However, they have identical capabilities and skills than the red tail. Like animals of the nominate subspecies, the timneh are listed in Appendix II of CITES.