The Directions

Not that such instruments are not technologically of truth or do not exist a strategy of being able there. However its great concern with game of strategies of being able had deviated its attention for a point less global than specific. 1.4.2 The BIPOLARITY OF the REPRESENTATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Inside of the Foucaultiano project social sciences appear as strategical centers of being able, where to be able and to know if they dinamizam and they maximize. But will not be this an exhaustion relation? It will be that to know and to be able they did not meet in an exhaustion situation? – ' ' In its specific phase, original, to be able and to know many times with violence had been opposed (as, moreover, the sex and the power). If today they are confused, would not be in the base of a gradual exhaustion of its principle of reality, of its distinctive characters, its proper energy? (…) For backwards of this apparent estase of the power and knowing that it seems to hang and to appear for all part, it would only have in the deep one metstases of the power, cancerous proliferations of a structure since then driven crazy and disorganized e, if the power generalizes and can today be detected in all the levels (the power? molecular), if it becomes a cancer in the direction of that its cells proliferate in all the directions without more obeying good and old ' ' code gentico' ' of the politician, it is that proper it was reached by the cancer and is in full decomposition. Or still, that it was acometido of hiper-reality and that in full crisis of simulation (cancerous proliferation of the only signs of the power) only obtains this generalized propagation and this saturation. Its sonamblica operationalization. Therefore, she is necessary to always make and in all the part the appositive one of the simulation, to take avesso of the signs, that, with certainty, taken of front and good-faith, always lead them to the reality and the evidence of poder.' ' BAUDRILLARD, J., 19,59-60 At a first moment appears the eminent necessity of the definition of ' ' outro' '.

The Other

Steele (1985) says that the fashion has more to see with the way for which a style comes after the other, as a species of progression almost ' ' natural' ' that it comes en vogue to the meeting of the particular ditames of the modesty at the time. each time really has, its values, its principles. Exactly not desiring to deny that much of the indumentria and the fashion has finally to show and to enhance the sexual or social attractiveness, in such a way masculine how much feminine, if it cannot omit that many cultures not-Europeans had loaned little or no value to this type of exhibition. Nor if it can deny that variations exist on what it is had as attractive sexual or social enters the cultures value that it. (BARNARD, 2003, P.

90). In accordance with the cultural variations, some parts of the body are displayed more than the others, in order not to call attention for what it is desired to hide. Logically, in the culture modern occidental person, already we are born learning not? to walk bare? , the girls already excessively are forced not to use very short skirts when children, at last, many values of the adults already go being inlaid in the mentality of formation of the form children that these if become the mni-adults had taught who them. 4 COMMUNICATION AND STATUS the fashion, in accordance with Barnard (2003) communicate. Fashion, indumentria and clothes are considered cultural phenomena, ways by which a social order is tried and communicated. In this way, the unifying function of the fashion and the indumentria serves to communicate the affiliation of a social group, as much for that is its members how much for that not it they are. Also the functions of protection, camouflage, modesty and impudicity are forms of somebody to communicate a position in a cultural order and social, as much for the other members of the order the one that belong, how much for that they are it are of it.


Like the famous writer undergrown, that explained that after throwing to the wastebasket innumerable folios, and to place another one in the typewriter (they were other times), the leaf in target, watched to me (Bukowski dixit). I came the world above to us, we wished to describe what inner it is clear to us, but did not hit upon in the form, in how. Nevertheless, although we do not find the way, the fact to propose it to us is what it gives value us. The best form to define it is with the phrase to pose a question, is to begin to respond it.

The attitude search is the one will take that us to the solution. Without her, not even there would be question. The same happens in our life. We are raking, wanting to find sense, lightening, answers. Sometimes we create to glimpse a guide. Or we entered ourselves in knowledge that we create will help us. And more of the times we have to return on our steps, discouraged, without to have found the yearned for result. It does not matter.

While we look for, while we have that spirit, we will be in the good way. And possibly nor we realize of which we are in him. Often we became absorbed in thought ourselves obcecadamente in the committed failure, in the erroneous decision. Not in which we have had the value of taking it. The day to day makes us lose perspective. By repetitive, it causes that we concentrate ourselves in the fact in himself, in the mistaken door. Not in which there are more doors. And mainly, in which we are free and able abrir many more. If we have failed, is because we have ourselves bold. To be mistaken is of mistaken wise people, like us. And we can continue doing it. For that reason, still more significant that the solution in himself, that will arrive, or no, when must, is the knowledge that acting in this way, constantly we will be able to find the way to leave our uncertainties. Learning of our errors and returning it to try. That is the life. Time and time again. Nobody is born taught. As we are growing, we are become rich. We never stopped acquiring knowledge, experience. to live. One never finishes, always has place for more. In order to know of we ourself, of the others, of which we do in this world. Who creates to know it everything, to be in possession of truth, already has died before dying. If we left, if we let ourselves win, if we stopped asking itself, we lose what of humans we have. Our essence, which of life has in us. If we maintain the instinct to look for, the others will come in addition, when it is his moment. He is not the main thing. The main thing is to follow ahead. It is our way, and nobody is going to cross it by us. To follow in the way with the been on awares good, is the greater gift than we pruned to dream. We have and it. It pulls ahead, already is well for today.

Thirty Years

But he has one lady to its wait in the conference room. – One lady? Without marking? Because she will be that this does not please me nothing? I go to see what it is transferred. Bernardine it was a young of thirty and four years, eye esverdeado, hair equally chestnut, always short chestnut and with a smile capable to fascinate any woman! She was president of the company of its family since whom its father if remodels and had obtained to save it of the bankruptcy. It observed rapariga it waited that it. It must have one eighteen years and, very probably, still it had to walk in the school. – Good day, my name is Bernardine Gracious. They had said me that he was to my wait.

– Good day! Salty Catherine! Its father said me to come to speak obtains. What he seems he has an available place in the department of design. Catherine with a smile in the lips said. Bernardo smiled! That girl alone could be to play? – Yes, I have! But the Catherine does not find that she would have first to finish the studies? – Oh? Yes? Clearly? The reason has all. To come back toward the college with thirty years is the dream of any woman. It said, smiling. – Thirty years? It asked to Bernardo estupefacto. It must be to play with certain me? – It wants that it shows my identification to it? It is not with this face? already I am accustomed. It answered when seeing the face of astonishment of it. – I ask for immense excuse but you seem new really very? thirty years? My God? he must find me ridicule! – As already it said to it, already I am accustomed! Many had been the situations where I had to show my identification.

Importance of Communication

We will approach in this article on the importance of the communication in the initial series, its concepts, development and as if to communicate through the language of the artists, language of the children, language of the body. The communication it is a capacity human being of information transmission and the man carries through this task using different systems and as, but used the language. The studies indicate that the acquisition of language if initiates in the first contacts of the baby with the world, where start if to interact with the social environment and the people to its redor. Therefore, to understand an alteration of it speaks is to know what it is the language; where already it comes the intention of the communication that is present in our daily one. It will be that the communication represents it human being, its capacity to transmit knowledge? It has seen, that nobody is born speaking and one of the forms most used to transmit this information says is it, this strategy is part of the nature human being and if it initiates for the child when it starts to emit the first sounds. To always stimulate the children, when it starts to have its first contact with the school it already makes the use of its language.

It has a natural grammar, system of rules for which constructs its speech. He is one to know intuitivo, the proper one to know linguistic or ability of each falante. Better to understand the development it is to look at to each step that we give of this baby, and we go evolving with many knowledge gotten of this our first contact in the uterus. Of this then, the man if communicates for the language where he has access to the information, express and defends its opinions, allotment or constructs vises of world, at last, produces knowledge.


In a production average diapers we will have 252,32kg/Hr. Verifying this number, it was possible to indentificar possible goals that would bring of certain form spirit it team and also to satisfy the necessities of invoicing of the organization. 49,261 had been produced, 97 kg of materials smooth diaper in 183:22 hours, for programmed 216horas. Having an exploitation of 84,78% of the available time for use of the machine. With new the proposal of 280 kg/hr of material, in the same period we will have 53,107, 7Kg. In the same available time for carried through production previously. With this productive evolution the production will have an efficiency of 3.845, 73 kg of smooth material, and 7,24% in relation to the carried through previous productions. Remembering that we are carrying through one it analyzes in 9 days, chosen of random form.

With a general average of products diapers of 252,32kg/hr of the carried through productions already. For the Production of material printed matter, 47,281, 60kg of materials, 203:02 hours, 93.39% of the line in its available time for the production had been produced. With new the proposal for the line printed diaper, of 250kg/hr, we will have a production of 50.750, 00kg of material printed matter in the same period. With the productive evolution the production will have the efficiency of 3.468, 40kg of material printed matter, and 6.83% in relation the previous goal. For the goal of smooth film diaper, with the reach of the goal 290kg/hr, will be possible to produce 150,800, kg material month considering, 20 produced daily hours, using 26 days useful during the month. In the same line considering films of diapers printed matter, with the reach of the goal of 250Kg/hr, using the same criterion above the volume will arrive the 130,000, 00kg of material month. The general goal for new the proposal of the Ghiold line and 270kg/hr.

Popular Power Design

An association that reunites to a group of parents and representatives of students of the organization carabobeo made a call to the people who have some relative studying, that seriously analyzes the proposal of curricular summary, because on it depends the future on pasHay that indicates, that the factories are " " a loss of time and lack of respect towards the professionals of educacin" " then, according to it assured, " " the group of facilitators in charge to distribute the new curricular design does not count on the tools nor the necessary formation for hacerlo" ". The union leader of the teaching arageo considered that the socialist educative proposal, that it tries to introduce through curricular design, was rejected by the majority of the Venezuelan population the 2 of December of the 2007, when not being approved the project of constitutional reform, thus considers itself illegal to the new curricular design, whose foundations stay against the effective Constitution of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, as well as, of the Statutory law of Education and its Regulation of the Educational Profession In spite of everything, the holder of the office Ministry of the Popular Power for Educacin (MPPE) Adam Chvez, older brother of president Chvez, indicates, that it advances in the preparation of the educational ones for the implementation of the Curriculum of Sistema Educativo Bolivariano (CSEB). , it assured that for the end of next July 300 thousand educators will be enabled to develop the new contents in scholastic year 2008-09. From their announcement, in September of 2007, the sectors academic, trade union, magisterial and the private education have rejected their execution. The reasons: &quot violates the Constitution in the 102; " a democratic and plural education respect to all the currents of pensamiento" " , and the Statutory law of Education, when creating a new educative system and areas of knowledge that are not contemplated and therefore he is illegal.


The language is an activity specifically human being. To speak is to nominate objects, to form concepts and to articulate them of coherent form To speak is to reveal our thought on the world, as much our subjective world of thoughts, feelings and desires, as the objective, exterior world we. so that let us can speak, is necessary that let us make use of a structuralized language that allows in them to think and to communicate the thought, that is an instrument by means of which let us can establish dialogues with our fellow creatures and attribute sensible to the reality that in the fence. All language is a system of signs. The sign is a thing that is in place of another one, under one determined aspect, therefore it is in the place of the object that it represents. This representation can assume varied aspects, depending on the type of relation that the sign keeps with the represented object.

The Human World is symbolic, therefore the Man is only capable to establish arbitrary symbols, prevailed for social conventions. all language possesss a repertoire, that is, a relation of symbols composes that it. Beyond the repertoire, also the rules of these signs are necessary. When we only know the repertoire of signs, its rules of combination and the rules of use of these signs are that we can say that we dominate a language. The languages created for the Man are many: verbal, mathematical, virtual, artistic, musical, gestual language, politics, etc and all they, through the times, can modify its repertoire of signs and rules of combination, inside of limits established for each one of these languages, in its different realities and cultures. The language is a system of accepted representations for a social group, that makes possible the communication exactly enters integrant of this the group. It is a construction of the reason, that is, an invention of the human being to be able to come close itself to the reality. The language, therefore is product of the reason and alone it can exist where it has rationality.

The Occurrence

I explain better: The analysis of the risk consists of if analyzing the probability of the impact of each one of the identified risks, in generating removals. It is a qualitative analysis. However, better of what this is the quantitative analysis, that it evaluates the repercussion of the risk. An excellent pointer to indicate which ' ' design' ' of the standard of removals observed in the company it is supplied by the compilation of the observed acidentrios benefits in the site of the Providence, duly mattered and treated statistical. That is: It has been broken of the occurrence to define corrections. 3 – To establish a rigid system of control of certified and emissions of CATs. Each company will have to apply differentiated systematics, that its culture considers, industrial, practical processes adopted of internal relationship, available human resources, territorial extension, etc. FAP/BENEFICIOS ACIDENTRIOS is based on removals that had generated a benefit, then all with bigger time of what 15 days.

Certified that they need the special approach is the ones that have this stated period of removal. However, recommendable that it is certified with lesser removals of what 15 days also are controlled. The importance of the knowledge of the beginning of the removal allows that to all the actions necessary soon they are taken, preventing in such a way ' ' fact consumado' ' , therefore a certified adequate evaluation of one with its passed stated period is impossible already. It is clearly that these attitudes impactam directly in the culture of the company, but are positive in the direction to have the manager of the removals as partner of the RH and to show that it has a total and competent accompaniment of whom if relates to the health of the worker. Important to point out despite the approach on the health of the worker must be ' ' holstico' ' , that is, assistencial health, programs of quality of life and occupational health must be harmonic on operationally.

Standardization Certification

(In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 2. Direct control and supervision of compliance the rules of certification and certified products is carried out by officials exercising state control and supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements of state standards. These officials exercise control and supervision over the observance of the rules on certification and certified products in the manner and conditions established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Standardization". Article 16. Funding for certification and state control and supervision 1. Subject to mandatory public financing: the development of forecasts of certification rules and recommendations for holding, provision of official information on certification, participation in international (regional) organizations for certification, and conduct operations with foreign national certification bodies; development and (or) participate in the development of international (regional) rules and guidelines for certification, the development projects of legislative acts in the field of certification, conducting scientific – research and other work The certification of national importance, holding the state control and supervision of compliance with the rules of certification and certified products; maintaining the State Register on certification and accreditation, and archival storage materials for state registration of certification and conformity marks, while others work on mandatory certification, defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the payment for work on mandatory certification to the extent to which it is – on the meaning attributed to him and other official interpretation of current law and practice – permits introducing not related to the certification of a mandatory labeling of a specific product brands account information with the payment of the costs of business entities, not recognized consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court Decision of 22.11.2001 N 15-P.